The new challenges of the Mediterranean.
In collaboration with SRM
Friday, 28th September
(Conference with simultaneous translation Ita – Eng – Ita)
Despite the difficult geopolitical moments, the Mediterranean remains vital for economic and commercial relations. This is demonstrated by the numerous infrastructural and entrepreneurial projects underway or in the finalization phase.
An analysis of the SRM Mediterranean Observatory shows that the commercial interchange between Italy and the MENA countries (Middle East North Africa) has grown by over 50% over the last fifteen years, despite the socio-political upheavals in some of the countries on the southern shores of the Mediterranean and an economic crisis that has not yet been completely overcome. In this period of time, new competitors of our country have emerged in business relations with the MENA countries, China above all; the Asian giant, together with the more traditional and close to us as Germany, show a growing interest in the Mediterranean and the African continent, bearing witness to the increasingly strategic role of this part of the world.
The New Silk Road advances under the pressure of China’s economic and strategic ambitions. Net of the official enthusiasm of Italy, the Belt and Road now raises questions about how our country and its industry can benefit from it.
There are two types of involvement: in the final part towards Europe, it is a matter of intercepting traffic flows in a positive way and avoiding losing them in a negative sense. On the whole route the question is instead whether the national industry can find business opportunities in the development of logistic and maritime infrastructures.
Is there, can or should there be a national strategy for approaching the Belt and Road?
More generally, what investments and projects can be activated according to the geo-economic transformations that are going through the Mediterranean?
First Session
The horizons of Short Sea Shipping and how to dialogue with intermodality
9.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Sala Dione, The Maritime Station Congress Center, Naples
The event aims to highlight two challenges that in the future will still characterize the Mediterranean maritime transport scenario and that we must be ready to grasp …. rather to win.
The first, to which the first module is dedicated, is represented by the Short Sea Shipping (SSS) in which Italy already holds a leading position. The last ones show that in the Mare Nostrum we have a share of SSS on the European total of 36% with over 200 million tons of goods handled.
Always keeping in mind, the segment of strong interest is the RO-RO (Roll-on Roll off) mode, where the ports of our country have surpassed 106 million tons handled in 2017.
Given the great potential dictated by the growth of the car market estimated over the next few years and the significant growth margins that the sector still has, it is appropriate to take stock of the future and the strategies to be implemented in these sectors.
Chairman: Angelo Scorza, Director, Ship2Shore
Welcome greating and opening session
Edoardo Rixi, Vice Minister, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Giuseppe D’Amato, Dean of Shipowner
Pier Federico Bisconti, Division Admiral, Italian Navy
What do we need to sailed in the new shipping world in tow?
Patrick Augier, Admiral, Added Secretary General, Secrétariat Général de la Mer
The cruise sector scenario in the Med and in Europe
Leonardo Massa, Country Manager, MSC Crociere
The strategic sectors for the competitiveness of Italian System: Roll-on Roll-off
Alessandro Panaro, Head of Maritime & Mediterranean Economy Dept., SRM
From the sea to the destination: facilities, regulation, industry. EU – China Connectivity Platform
Ivano Russo, General Manager, Confetra
The Short Sea Shipping scenario in the Mediterranean horizon
Pietro Spirito, President, AdSP of Central Tyrrhenian Sea
Stefano Corsini, President, AdSP of the Nothern Tyrrhenian Sea
Ennio Cascetta, Center Administrator, RAM – Logistica, Infrastrutture e Trasporti
Anna Del Sorbo, General Manager, I.D.A.L. GROUP
11.30 a.m. Conclusion
Second Session – First Part
The CHINA investments: the “Maritime Silk Road”. Scanarios and new trends
11.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Sala Dione, The Maritime Station Congress Center, Naples
With the high traffic rates that are marking the Suez Canal (+ 11% in 2017 on 2016), the increase in ship traffic (+ 24% from 2012 to 2016) and the renewed momentum of some Mena Area countries ( Middle East and North Africa) the Mediterranean is finding a new and more incisive centrality in the maritime world.
China is insisting on important investments in terminals and ports in the MED area, which represent one of the primary strategies to pursue on the Belt & Road Initiative; SRM estimates maritime logistics investments of 6 billion euros already made in the Mediterranean by Far East operators and this must leave us thinking about how and to what extent we can intercept commercial ships and intensify relations with the Dragon so as to be able to seize the great opportunities that will arise for our port systems.
It will be necessary, however, to show China that our logistic and maritime system is efficient, solid and strong and above all cohesive without individualism, parochialism and without weaknesses. ”
A reflection on the Maritime Silk Road is essential to listen to the different visions and the different angles that the protagonists of the sector have.
Afternoon Session
Chairman: Riccardo Fuochi, President, Italia-Hong Kong Association
Mediterranean Sea, a sea that unites if kept secure
Donato Marzano, Division Admiral, Italian Navy
La Belt and Road Initiative: does the rise of China bring to the born of a new world order?
Enrico Castioni, Captain of Vessel (CP), Port Authorities
Mediterranean on Silk Road : Economic Scenarios and opportunities
Massimo Deandreis, Director, SRM
Strategic update on the (Maritime) New Silk Road and implications on the Mediterranean
Onno de Jong, Guest Lectures, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Consultant Transport, Infrastructure & Mobility, Ecorys
Maritime Silk Road. The connections with maritime security and Mediterranean Stability
Paolo Quercia, Director, Center for Near Abroad Strategic Studies
1.00 a.m. Conclusion
Second Session – Second Part
The CHINA investments: the “Maritime Silk Road”. The role of Italian ports: Focus on Genova
2.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Sala Dione – Elettra, The Maritime Station Congress Center, Naples
Afternoon Session
Chairman: Fabio Pasquarelli, Director of Transport, Telenord
Marco Donati, Director, Cosco Shipping Lines Italy
Mediterranean: New and Old Markets
Paolo Lo Bianco, Managing Director, CMA CGM Italy
Mino Giachino, President, SAIMARE
3.00 p.m. Closing Session
* pending confirmation
** during the invitation